January 11, 2018
CAMP WINNEKEAG & FROZEN PIPES - Barbara Henderson reports that because of the extremely cold temperatures, a number of the pipes in camp froze and then burst flooding out some of the facilities there. She asked that we remember them in prayer as the repairs are made and that they will be ready for the group coming this weekend.
TIMBER RIDGE & PROJECTS - The camp is in the process of constructing a new cabin and finishing the remodeling of the lodge. Pray that these will be completed in good time
NEW CAMP DIRECTORS - Bill Wood mentioned that there are several new camp directors this year. We will give a complete list in the next E-news. Pray for them as they take up the responsibilities, which for many of them, will be recruiting summer camp staff.
BIG LAKE YOUTH CAMP NEEDS SNOW - Ross VonPohle is requesting that we pray for snow for Big Lake. Yesterday he mentioned that he was looking out the window at rain and dirt. Most groups come up for the snow during the year round ministry. He’d be pleased if anyone would be willing to ship out some snow from the East Coast! Seriously, though, the west coast does need a good snow-pack this year.