Below you will find activities that have been added by different camps. You can click on the camp to view the resources that they have added.
AACP Core Values Implementation
Rainy Day Activities - What to Do Now?
Camp Au Sable
Sabbath Afternoon Activities
Camp Kulaqua

National Show Horse—
The Magnificent Seven

Circus Theme—Bamum and Bailey

Wild Wild West
Camp Wakonda
Leoni Meadows
There are barriers in our lives that keep us from following Christ when He calls us to change our lives. God asks us to step out of our boxes. This text is adapted from a script entitled “Boxes” that we found ONLINE. -
Dueling Speakers
Two speakers emerge from a crowd and take opposite sides of the stage, each trying to get the crowd to listen to their ideas. The crowd moves back and forth between speakers as they look for something that will give them meaning in life. Makes the point that God is the true source of meaning. Text adapted from a script of the same name found ONLINE. -
The Game
As Christian plays the game of life, commentators critique her actions from the world’s perspective. Christian ends up losing the game by the world’s rules, but winning by God’s rules. -
Least of These
A seminary student struggles with stereotyping people as he learns what Christ meant when He said “as you’ve done it to the least of these, you’ve done it to me.” -
The Mad Merchant of Minsk
A selfish merchant learns what it means to love your enemies when he is shown mercy by a group of pirates who run a rival souvenir shop. Script purchased from Adventist Christian Theater at Basic plot follows Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice. -
Mercy Said No
A song drama written to the same title song by Greg Long. Depicts the battle between good and evil as it follows the temptation and fall of a boy and the sacrifice Christ made to save his soul. -
Road Trip
Six business men prepare to leave for a conference and assign seats in the car based on job performance. Makes the point that all people are created by God and are equally special in His sight. This text was adapted from a script obtained through a membership at -
Soon And Very Soon
When Johnny finds himself before God in heaven after the Second Coming, he is convinced that there has been some kind of mistake. Together, Johnny and God review his life and the choices that he has made that have led to his salvation. Makes the point that God forgives and forgets our sins when we accept Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. -
Voice of Truth
A song drama written to the same title song by Casting Crowns. We are surrounded by voices telling us that we aren’t good enough and that we can’t do so many things. In the midst of these voices, God says you are good enough and that you can do the impossible. -
What If
A song drama written to the same title song by Jaden Lavik. Makes the point that God doesn’t love us any more or less based on our successes and failures. -
The World Drama
A man finds himself unsatisfied and bored with what he has continually wants something bigger and better. He finds that the pursuit of material things is ultimately meaningless. Text adapted from a script of the same name found ONLINE.
Punchinello Dramas – Adapted from the same title books and animated features by Max Lucado.
You Are Special
The Wemmicks spend their time distributing stickers based on the good and bad actions of other Wemmicks. Their entire worth is defined by the amount of gold star stickers they have. Punchinello’s world is changed when he meets the woodcarver, Eli, who says that he is special because of who he is, not what he does. -
You Are Mine
The Wemmicks become obsessed with collecting boxes and balls and judge each other based on how much they have. After losing all that is important to him in the pursuit of boxes and balls, Punchinello finds acceptance and forgiveness from Eli, who tells him that he is special because of who he is, not what he has. -
If Only I Had a Green Nose
The latest Wemmick trend is to have a painted green nose and soon the Wemmicks judge each other based on their nose color. Punchinello finds that following trends is tedious and tiresome. Eli reminds him that each Wemmick was made uniquely and specially and that true happiness comes when you become who you were meant to be.
We would also ask that you state that your production is “An Adaptation Of” in your attribution line.
All material by Max Lucado should include an attribution line that states:
[Book Title]
Copyright [Publisher and copyright date] Max Lucado
Used by permission

Horse Whinnies and Snorts

Swarm of Bees
Friday Night Pageants
Other Events or Activities